Succeed With The Peek Goldstone Team
Scott Goldstone and his team have a history of navigating successful outcomes for clients across Colorado who are facing tax liens, levies, and more. Our law firm, based in Greeley and Erie, is here and ready to provide comprehensive support and insightful expertise to navigate this process with care.
We also specialize in:

Peek Goldstone, LLC Can Offer A Range Of Benefits For Your Tax Case, Including:
- Complete guidance
- Professional support
- Staunch representation
- Versatile strategies
- Peace of mind
TAX LAW SErvices
In Hot Water With The IRS? Feel Like There Is No Way Out?
Here are some examples of actual results that Scott Goldstone has achieved for his clients:
- Paying an installment agreement in the amount of $100 per month on a debt of over $100,000.00!
- Paying $525.00 to settle a tax debt of $83,000.00!
- Paying absolutely nothing on a debt of over $350,000.00!
Give Us The Opportunity To Do The Same For You.
Peek Goldstone, LLC, offers tax representation for clients who need help with:
- Negotiating with the IRS or State
- Audits
- Unpaid individual taxes
- Unpaid business taxes
- Liens
- Levies
- Wage garnishments
- Abatement of penalties
- Requesting a Refund
- Trust Fund Recovery Penalty cases
- Income Tax Returns that have not been filed
- Setting up Installment Agreements
- Obtaining an Offer in Compromise
- Putting your account into Non-Collectible Status
If you have an issue with the Internal Revenue Service or the State, it is natural to feel afraid and overwhelmed. After all, you are dealing with revenue-generating bodies who think of us in terms of dollars and cents. Depending on your case, you may even be receiving threats of levy or seizure, or, levy action may have already been taken. Well, hope is not lost. Scott Goldstone has represented hundreds of clients, like yourself, who want their tax problems to go away, but simply do not know how to end the nightmare.
Your first step to the first full night’s sleep you have had in a long time is calling Peek Goldstone, LLC. to set up a consultation with Scott Goldstone. He will speak with you regarding your specific tax problem and provide you with an honest analysis of your case.